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Data Centre/Hosting

Data and network management are becoming increasingly crucial to businesses from all industries. Being able to maintain control over your data and servers is often essential to ensuring security, high productivity, and business efficiency. Colocation services allow companies to host their own servers within a data centre, while minimising costs.

These incredible services are excellent for ensuring business continuity, improving security, and strengthening network access.

The Rising Demand for Colocation Services

Colocation services have been growing more popular in recent years, particularly as hybrid and remote work become more common. Many companies have closed their physical offices, but still need an effective way to manage and secure their data servers.

With colocation, you don’t have to find space in your own building for complex servers, or pay for expensive maintenance in-house. Instead, you work with an external provider to keep your servers running smoothly, while you focus on growing your business.

The Benefits of Colocation

Colocation services offer businesses the perfect combination of reliability, performance, and physical security for their data server needs. The right facilities provide space, power, cooling, and support for a range of server and networking equipment solutions.

With Colocation services from PrimeTel, you can access:

  • Reliability

    Colocation data centres have redundant network connections, which ensure your applications continue to run smoothly no matter what happens. They even have redundant power supplies, and battery backup systems for peace of mind.

  • Security

    A colocation server gives companies an opportunity to retain complete control over their data servers, and access advanced security. Solution providers offer access to physical security, as well as advanced security services, to protect your company.

  • Scalability

    As your business grows, your colocation servers can grow with you. You don’t have to worry about moving your entire infrastructure to a new system. You can simply expand the number of spaces you choose to hire.

  • Cost savings

    While upfront costs for colocation can vary, the long-term running costs are often significantly lower than managing your own data servers in house. This means you have more budget left over to focus on growing your business.

How PrimeTel Can Help

At PrimeTel, we work with colocation providers around the world, to help organisations make the most of their server technology. We can offer almost unlimited power in facilities across the globe, with space starting from quarter racks all the way to full floors.

Discover the advantages of Colocation for yourself by contacting PrimeTel today.

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